Simple, Gentle
Laughter Yoga is physically-oriented technique that uses a perfect blend of playful, empowering and otherwise "tension-releasing" simple laughter exercises, interspersed with gentle breathing
and stretching exercises, rhythmic clapping and chanting of Ho Ho Ha Ha Ha in unison. This is done as a way to improve health, increase well-being, and promote peace in the world through personal
transformation. In Laughter Yoga you use laughter as a tool, not an emotion.
These exercises last about 20 to 30 minutes and are adapted to suit the needs, abilities and motivations of the group participating.
A Breakthrough
Dr Madan Kataria was the first one to discover and make use of the fact that anyone can laugh for 15-20 minutes without depending upon a sense of humor or comedy. No joke: as of July 2005 there were
over 5000 Laughter Clubs worldwide, counting 250,000+ members.
Because it does not rely on the mind at all, Laughter Yoga helps you to easily distance yourself from your fears, sadness, worries, self-defined limitations, etc. As a result you do not need to be
happy, have a sense of humor, or even have a reason in order to laugh. Laughter Yoga bases itself on the philosophy of “acting happiness”. We “simulate to stimulate”. In time fake laughter becomes
genuine and flows out like a fountain.
Laughter Yoga crosses all barriers: age, gender, language, culture, physical abilities, race, religion, political beliefs, etc. Laughter is part of the universal human vocabulary. All members of the
human species understand it.
No Hidden Agenda
Laughter Yoga is
The therapeutic value of Laughter has been thoroughly and scientifically researched in the past 40 years, and its physical benefits proven beyond the shadow of a doubt